Your drem trip to Fiji islands

Lesson series

Successful Negotiations: A MasterClass

Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional. Thrive in your career.
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Online learning communities are essential to achieve a productive online learning environment. This is why they are so popular, especially in higher education.

In online learning, community participants create an interactive canvas of diverse reactions and feedback.
These learning experiences instill a sense of belonging and camaraderie that keeps online learners engaged and motivates them to persevere.

However, most instructors struggle to make learners participate in the discussion board because learners attend the courses in their time-space.

However, there are ways that you can use to gradually establish participation and, in the end, a real sense of community.

Establish Instructor’s Presence

Don’t forget that your initial postings in the discussion forum, your first messages sent to all by email, or the greeting you post on your course home page will do much to set the tone and expectations for your course....
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